High peak power and large marking area.
Long lasting diode lifetime.
The best "entry level" solution on the market.
Excellent marking performances on a wide variety of materials.
All in One, plug & play.
Low price, high performance, no consumable.
Laser marker easy to plug, no warm-up.
Extremely compact: 276x140x136 (160mm focal length)
Maintenance free.
Technical Specifications
- Output power 2 W - 3 W
- Mode of operation: high frequency pulsed
- Typical pulse width 3 ns
- Repetion rate 26 kHz - 30 kHz
- Operating voltage 24VDC 3,5 A - 4,5 A
- Pulse energy 75 μJ - 100 μJ
- Instantaneous power 25 kW - 33 kW
- Beam quality 1.5 M2 - 1.9 M2
- Main wavelength 1064 nm (Infrared)
- Aiming beam wavelength 635 nm (Red)